Workshop on Phase Separation and Chromatin Organization
With two other PhD students (Nazli Akilli from Giacomo Cavalli’s lab and Marion Bardou from Marcello Nollmann’s lab) part of the LabMUSE PhD training Networks 2020 coordinated by Marcelo Nollmann, a workshop on « Phase Separation and Chromatin Organization » is organized. The event’s description and flyer are below and more details can be found on the Montpellier University website :
The organization and function of chromatin in the nucleus is a complex and dynamic process, which is tightly regulated by a variety of factors including DNA sequence, epigenetic modifications, and protein-protein interactions. Recent studies have shown that phase separation may play an important role in the formation of membrane-less organelles in the nucleus.
During the workshop, we will explore the current state of research on chromatin organization at different scales and discuss the molecular mechanisms underlying chromatin phase separation, as well as the physical factors that regulate this process. We will also examine the functional consequences of chromatin phase separation, including its impact on gene expression, DNA repair, and genome stability.
Overall, this event will provide a forum for researchers from diverse fields to share their latest findings.
The workshop will be held on April 11th and 12th, 2023 and will take place here in Montpellier at the Triolet Campus.
Please note that registration is mandatory for attendance, and that it is completely free and open to everyone. To register, please visit the following google form :
During the workshop, there will be an opportunity for participants to present their research in the form of :
– Posters + mini-talks (2-3 min to introduce rapidly their work before the poster session)
– Short talks for young researchers (15 min talks + 5 min questions)
If you would like to present a poster or a short talk, please indicate your interest during the registration process by filling the appropriate section.