“Imaging life: the future” international scientific symposium

  • 17/19 of October 2023 – Montpellier, France

Over the past 30 years, light, electron, X-ray biological imaging has undergone successive revolutions in image resolution, probes and throughput. These advances have spurred major breakthroughs in image analysis.

What is in store for the future?

The “Imaging life: the future” international 2.5-day symposium aims to foresee how future developments in light/electron microscopy and image analysis could further transform research in animal and plant biology at multiple scales, from molecules to tissues.

The symposium will include 7 thematic sessions (image analysis, cancer biology, plant biology, 3D genome architecture and transcription, neurosciences, cell and developmental biology, infection and immunity). In addition, there will be two plenary talks. One on the computational modelling of biological processes, the other on imaging and image analysis at the other end of the spectrum of scales, in astrophysics.

The programme will be completed by 21 short talks selected from abstracts and a poster session.

The symposium will take place October 17-19 at the Corum main conference center in Montpellier, to celebrate the 20 years of the MRI core imaging facility. You will find the attractive scientific programme here: https://www.atoutcom.com/futureimaging/. The symposium is supported by major French learned societies, including those in developmental biology (SFBD), cell biology (SBCF), virology (SFV), biophysics (SFB), biochemistry and molecular biology (SFBBM), microscopiques (SFµ). Membership to partner societies gives access to reduced fees.

We are expecting to host 200 scientists from all over Europe in a friendly and intense atmosphere.

Registrations are open: https://www.atoutcom.com/futureimaging/registration/Attractive early bird registration rates are available until July 31st and abstract for oral presentations can be submitted until August 17th.

We are looking forward to host you in beautiful Montpellier this fall. Do not miss the event and spread the word!